

Haih,when the exams officially ended with my last paper yesterday I felt..superhuman. You could've shot me twice in the head and I'd still be laughing maniacally,running around town screaming "FREEE!".

Yesterday I entered Roger David,attracted by the song playing over their audio system-I first pretended to browse the clothes,looking genuinely interested at one V-necked shirt that looked so morbidly metrosexual I think only someone like David Beckham could pull off-then proceeded to the counter,and inquired the girl casually standing behind it about the song.This Indian teen,typically equipped with a disastrously forced accent that sounded predominantly British,wearing a sleeveless top that boasted the large tattoo of a Tiger on her pale left arm-in response,she threw me this filthy glare-one so lethal and severe it should be a criminal offense,something you'd save for someone who you obsessively hate who has done something irredeemably unforgivable.Like kill your cat,or rape your babies.It was filthy.It lasted for only a second,during which I was too stunned to do anything-her co-worker noticed me,even heard my question,turned from the rack of clothes he was busily tidying and yelled out "Ministry of Sound-Chillout Sessions ten-I think!" and I thanked him,looked at Shark Eyes,smiled and walked out thinking what a xenophobic skank this poor excuse for a human being is,and how I pity her for he sheer stupidity.How some people can be so determined to hate people they know completely nothing about,is beyond me-such a blatant waste of time and energy.

But that didn't have any effect on my good mood,though.Told'ya I was bulletproof.At least I was,until I got this killer gastric attack that had me moaning in pain in the children's section of Borders.What was I doing there?Was busy perusing mags but I had to sit down somewhere quiet and I thought maybe they'd have colorful beanie bags over at the children's sect-where there was a lone crying boy who just stood still weeping,glaring me down like the devil while I clutched my tummy in pain and held on to the nearby bookcase.So I walked out of the crowded mall,moaned my way all the way down Swanston until the pain removed itself.Incidentally,it was when I reached the point where a bearded,scrawny man was playing the acoustic guitar that my predicament vanished.


Irina said...

I'll only be able to feel superhuman wed afternoon. hope it'd feel just as good!

re nice pics, check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/velco/
i think he's based in Melbourne, and i like most of his work.

Al said...

WOAH.Yea,no doubt his pics are nice-it's uncommon the way he deliberately messes up the pic (ie over/under expsr) to achieve that neat effect.Tks for that,be sure to share anymore interesting onln photojournals!All the best for ARA!