

1 paper down,30 to go.I mean 3.

OB was just ok.The idea is to memorize a bunch of theories and be able to apply it to whatever's dished in the exam.Basically you have a bunch of surgical tools you learn to use beforehand,so when the ER button flashes you rush to the job (a group of young,unrealistically attractive doctors running along behind you-selflessly ignoring the sexual innuendo plaguing their overly complex lives,white medical coats blazing like capes) and you'll be ready to deal with it,pockets full of blades,linens or whatever doctors use in surgeries.So after we've removed that fist-sized tumor in your brain-you give me a hard handshake while grinning gratefully for the job well done,but I say with a deadpan face "Sir,the tumour's gone but we might have accidentally and unnecessarily shaved your chest and sealed your asshole shut but we've opened up your bellybutton so shit can come out from there".That's how OB was,interpret the metaphor however you want.

And on my way back from the city,grocery bags in hand and wind blowing fiercely in my face I couldn't walk too fast (age catching up to me *cough cough*) and this guy on a long skateboard rushed past me like Zeus on wheels and I wondered if I secretly hopped on behind him he would notice.

Of course he would,cos I'm fucking Bambi (was that the elephant who could fly with his ears?) if you haven't noticed.Which is why I have to start a diet-I've decided for the next few days before I fly home to open arms and properly-filled fridges I have to lose some weight as to provide the illusion of having "changed" in the last 5 months I've been away.Changed,why yes!Look at me,all thin and mature-looking now!I'm so much more responsible now pa,so you can increase my allowance I'll even do a budget and all!."How impressive!",he'll say-throwing wads of cash into my face.

Bianca-Big Brother 08 (on Rory's peen): It's nice because its the first proper schlong I've seen in sometime.

I say the right things
But act the wrong way
I like it right here
But I cannot stay



Anonymous said...

no.bambi is the deer.its DUMBO.

Al said...

Between Bambi and Dumbo (for real?) I think I'll choose to go nameless.

Anonymous said...

i think you look more like Abu, the skinny elephant!!!!

ah yes, i admit i tried to find a skinny disney character but failed.

Al said...

LOL yes Disney tends to stereotype women as dainty princesses,and all the men are either psychotic villains or overweight goof-off's.I don't mind tho,I kinda liked Abu the monkey (although Jaafar & his crazy beard was totally kick-ass) :)

Miss Aida said...


I hope your comment about losing weight was more tongue in cheek than any seriousness involved.

You look fine. :)

Al said...

Ahah nah,trying to lose weight would take too much energy out of me.I'd rather just eat and pile up the carbs.