
What Happened?

The Virgins debut album,or a safe sex ad with colorful floating condoms.Who can tell?

I can't decide whether I like it or not,yet but right now it sounds like overproduced white thrash but its approaching 2am and I'm not exactly at my best.They issued an EP not too long ago,had 4 of their songs featured on Gossip Girl (two of those songs turning out quite amazing-"One Week of Danger" & the sexed up "Rich Girls","Radio Christiane" is not bad).I still like this band (though not as much),but this album to put it bluntly-is just shit.

Original "One week of Danger":Raw and rough,with a simple guitar hook that mostly went on loop but was catchy and the boy-girl "conversation" within the song is pure brilliance.You can here it HERE.

New "One week of Danger"-TOTAL AND UTTER RUIN.Earthquakes,tsunamis,the world cuts in half and explodes.Look at that heinous album cover,that says it all.The vocals sound whiny,the guitar sounds harsh and they've somehow rid the song of ALL its original charm.

Yeap,looks like we can place this band under the Had it,Lost it pile,alongside The Kooks whose second record was so mediocre it must've taken them exactly 132 minutes to make,a day at most.A day with fifty lunch breaks,that is.

P.S.:MGMT pre-sale for their December gig opened today ($61 per ticket),I'm not as excited as I should be.Death Cab this weekend which I'm totally hyped for,but the real anticipation I have is for next week's Beach House gig.If I haven't said it before,Devotion (their second album) is a solid 4/5 effort and definitely worth the buy.


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