

1. Lost returned last week,I'm digging the whole time travel thing though I wish they wouldn't bring up more questions.A couple things were sort of answered,but the true intentions of people like Ben and Sayyid get cloudier with every hour.

2. One of the shows I kept catching on SBS or some other place and never understood was Big Love,so I got the first two seasons and have been following the new eps-one of the only character-oriented shows,it does take a bit of patience because there's a lot of talk and the drama takes its time but its the kind of show you get attached to,even though none of the characters (except the naive,idealistic Marge) are completely selfless or honest.

3. Best new show,hands down-United States of Tara,3 eps so far and loved them all.Created by Spielberg and developed by Juno writer Diablo Cody,it sees Toni Collette as a mother of two with split personalities.Considering its on Showtime,I had low expectations-they always take these new young,hip shows that soar on the quirk quota like Californication and Weeds-and eventually turn it into some fancy sex-romp missing a heart.But Toni Collette plays the hell out of her "alters",and the family members make for interesting characters too.Oh,and Buster from Arrested Dev finally got a job playing the grumpy teacher.

4. Its about a billion degrees out here in Melbourne,I could grill sausages on the balcony with this heat.Big Day Out on Monday,nothing to take home except possibly the fact that Cut Copy were surprisingly superb live and Hot Chip's live take on 'Ready for The Floor' somehow sounds better than the original.Instead of calling up the wall,why don't you open up we'll talk?I am ready for the floor.This song is eternal.

5. 2 movies I've been meaning to talk about were Doubt and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.A bit of an old topic now,ey?Well,a quickie then-I liked them both especially the latter,its so beautifully shot and there's so much emphasis on capturing body language and even if it got a bit too daring for its own good towards the end I think it was an enjoyable ride overall,might catch it again at Nova.

6. Oscar noms quite predictable.There's this huge fuss about Benjamin Button,but I cannot bring myself to watch that movie because I find Brad Pitt in "I'm a serious actor" mode unwatchable.



1 comment:

syz said...

Lost is getting more and more confusing, half the time I don't know which time period they're in.

I heard abt the record heatwave there, some places at 42/43 degrees. gila, whole of melb in singlets and shorts. what a view.