
boys on bicycles


Juts returned from the US,I've just showered after a draining 15-hour journey and the past month I've dropped by a few places here and there,and seeing how minimalism is so in right now I'll avoid rambling and instead every now and then,post bits of pictures I took.First was Kelantan,fresh off the plane from Melbourne me father and I went to visit our sick Ayah Ngoh-and whilst there,we took a few detours off the beaten bath in a completely dysfunctional and probably haunted Kancil car-I'm not the best at taking pictures from cars,I tend to "ooh" "aah" my way without bothering much about the settings and as a result,often come up with pics ie the above: technically flawed a dozen different ways, but I secretly adore them anyways.

(more to come)

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