

In a moment,there will be noise and light.It's past 11,I can't be bothered to check the time,people are chanting in this place where there are trees with large trunks looming ominously over us,and the faint trace of blue lights reach the curious spot where I stand-I think it's a park somewhere,a meeting place of somekind.Airy,open,I feel like an organ-a heart,beating nervously and close to self-imploding-exposed,lying amidst shredded skin and pretty spits of red.My legs move forward in response to someone calling my name and my eyes dart across the crowd-previously more segregated in small groups,now closer together as they rush towards something obscured from my sight by two tall men in bright-coloured jumpers-but my mind's elsewhere,a location I can't exactly pinpoint,yet the feeling it gives is familiar and requires no official name.Someone reaches for my left hand and pulls me,I look towards her-this girl throws me an angry face,then smiles coyly and starts muttering in a language that is lost behind an overpowering profile-her face contorts elastically to almost every word,her head sways every now and then-I pay attention for a few seconds,before the vertigo and incomprehension forces me to look away.I look back shortly to muster a smile,a peace offering.There are stomping sounds now,some jump up furiously and as they land they press their feet to the ground with a monstrous energy to elevate the chaos and give rise to this hell of noises.And then there are fireworks,or maybe a bunch of magical fishes that escape out of ears to glide gracefully into the heavens where they belong,lines of electric fire that shoot high into the air and burst to bits of spark that die out too fast-the cheering grows louder,more explosions invade the night skies,illuminating their gloomy presence and ours with brief glimpses of shapes and meanings previously undisclosed,but it's all too quick for anyone to take notice.The noise and lights first play with the short hairs on my arms,twisting and blowing,before reaching into my chest and pulling me apart-I am weightless now,only of lights and sounds-and then I am floating away,this shapeless mass of grey-from where I am,the sight of this large crowd slowly diminishes to a few black and yellow dots,shivering and shaking,finally there is only one a towering darkness,a great obsolesce,one last explosion of fiery hot light erupts and it passes right through what's remains of me and I begin to disintegrate,shatter,break,become.

Happy Merdeka,Malaysia.

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