
Best Albums of 2007 So Far,10-5

Ok,so here we go.

No,small talk,let's get right into this.

The albums listed were:
1) Albums I have (99% of which were downloaded),and have given enough listens to give fair judgements.
2) Evaluated as a whole.
3) From 2007 (Greatest Hits albums excluded-for the record,the most outstanding two in this category would be Jeff Buckley's So Real & Garbage' Absolute Garbage)

-Key tracks in colour,best ones also in Bold.
-Album titles link to their Amazon page,where you can find more comprehensive reviews.Wikipedia's an excellent resource too,there you can find links to various professional reviews.

Slightly disappointing-there were some sure-fire hits,namely Knocked Up (one of the best songs to come out this year),My Party,Fans & Charmer,but the rest were comparatively mediocre to the tracks on 2005's Aha Shake Heartbreak.They've substituted the kind of catchy,more hardcore tunes for mellow,slower ones-but still really good stuff,just not the kind you'd fall in love at first listen.I thought it'd they'd be perfect at number 10,to start this list.
+They'll be performing a couple of shows here in Melbourne,unfortunately in January-any other time and I'd rush out for tickets in a blink.

9) Arctic Monkeys-Favourite Worst Nightmare

Although 2006's Whatever People Say I Am,That's What I'm Not displays a more untame playfulness and tougher in-your-face attitude,it's FWN that has a cleaner,more relatable sound that's easier on the ears and more suited for mainstream.Brianstorm and Fluorescent Adolescent were perfect choices for first track and follow-up respectively,but this album has heaps more to offer-strong tracks like Old Yellow Bricks,D is for Dangerous and If You Were There,Beware exude the same amount of crazy,fun energy (though maybe more subtle,equally enjoyable) old tracks like Scummy & Mardy Bum did.

+While I don't hate covers,most of them can't stand up to the original,are unnecessary and some are just plain fucking crap.Like the Arctic Monkey's cover of Amy Winehouse' You Know I'm No Good-even really good bands make mistakes sometimes.

8) Modest Mouse-We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

A band you might not have heard of,but too bad-it's that kind of music that you either really,really love or find shitty.With this album,they maintain their loyalty to that unique,beautiful Modest Mouse sound-except this time around it's more upbeat and lively.I was hooked pretty quickly by this album-Parting of The Sensory,Fly Trapped In A Jar,Little Motel & Missed the Boat were particularly good.

+Lyric-wise,this albums easily wins the top prize.

7) Feist-The Reminder

Nothing much to say about this one,except that it's a really good album.Every track resonates emotionally and the album offers plenty of variety,and I'm no big fan of jazz (Norah Jones puts me to sleep) but this one goes light on the cellos etc,and the vocals are so effortlessly powerful and engaging that the songs hit me squarely in the heart (contrary to popular belief,I do have one).

6) Interpol-Our Love To Admire

No idea what the picture on the album cover symbolizes.Prior to this album,I thought the band was a bit pedestrian,their songs passable.Suffice to say,this album changes that perception-it's best heard with really good headphones,or else you can't really enjoy the songs-Pioneer to The Falls & Rest My Chemistry are both some of the best tracks coming off this album,but it's the eerie,guitar-driven The Lighthouse that ultimately seals the deal.

5) Spoon-Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

One word:Catchy.The tracks are catchy to death,all of them really good but Don't You Evah gets extra marks for having a real big kick to it.

To be continued with the Top 4 on a later day.


Siew Chien said...

totally agree for feist!!!!

have u seen the video 1,2,3,4?

kinda a mystery... and FUN!

Al said...

definitely,i love the whole 60's coloured jumpsuits theme-but didn't realise there was a 'mystery' to it!i must watch it again!