
Three Cats

Few things currently lingering in the back of my head.

1. This song by The Moldy Peaches called Anyone Else but You-one of the few songs that plays in the Juno trailer,awh this song is just too sweet.Oh,back to Juno-I'll definitely catch it,anything with Michael Cera can't be that bad (I'm watching Superbad this weekend,the reviews have mostly been negative but we'll see how it goes),and don't you think Jennifer Garner has the most adorable dimples?
2. I just recently watched Pedro Almodovar's All About My Mother-it's a tad melodramatic,what with all the lesbian scandals,prostitutes and transsexuals and people dying all the time-but it deals with the adult themes very intelligently,and the film tells a nuanced,touching story about a group of women who have too much heart to their character to be loathsome.Random note-the guy who plays Esteban,Manuela's teenage son-dies very early in the story,only reappearing in brief flashbacks and pictures-played by actor Eloy Azorin,who's very handsome although a bit skinny-he plays a small part in the film,but there's something deeply moving and sad about his character' face,it's like everytime he appears onscreen there's this huge overwhelming grief and gloom that settles over.
3. The Gossip's finally decided to visit small,modest Melbourne but in December.Ah,I'm sure they'll come here within the next three years or so,thus giving me plenty of time to develop a strategy to court the Beth Ditto.And I have a feeling The Strokes will be coming here next year for sure,and when they do-I'll be ready to murder anyone who gets between me and the tickets.
Can't wait for uni to start,so we can all get this semester done with and go home.


Anonymous said...

i love the way you write. you write what you feel and you write with a purpose. none of that nonsensical stuff. ur blog has meaning. keep on doing what you do. :D

Al said...

ah,i appreciate that.it's raining outside (at least where I am) & the weekend's coming!

Anonymous said...

weekend's over. :( back to lazing around with tons of piled up assignments. bleahhhh...

im a THE STROKES whore too. julian casablancas is god. :)

Anonymous said...

update! i miss ur daily ramblings. :(