

Sabtu Dua Empat.

Before anything,the artwork for the second CSS album,Donkey (source).Extremely Peculiar.

I wake up too see a bin overflowing with paper,general waste and an empty perfume bottle,and literally in my face a disobedient fringe that insists on scratching against my left retina.I was about to reach for the large kitchen scissors to settle this matter once and for all,but opted to wear glasses as a sort of safety gear to protect my poor eyes.It's late afternoon,my head's throbbing with some form of anxiety so I make myself a cup of just-add-hot-water Nescafe that tastes like placenta so I take two courageous sips and dump the rest down the sink,then take a moment on the balcony to see the crowd below shrink to nothing as they walk away.So I take a shower,visit the fruit market to buy four bananas (the bunch came in five,but my heart said four so I took one off,propped it against a bunch of green apples where it looked like it belonged) and dropped by a cafe for a proper cup of joe and while waiting contemplated being a gym junkie for the sake of having washboard abs and fatter wrists and a tighter bum,and realize I don't know what a protein shake is so I abandon the idea altogether.

Scarlett Johansson-Anywhere I lay my head
Radio Dept-It's personal
Death Cab-your new twin sized Bed
Ting tings-Great DJ
Band of Horses-Detlef Schrempf
The weepies-simple life

You convince yourself that you want it, but you don't know



Miss Aida said...

I took a scissors to my own fringe recently. Hair really does have the ability to scratch your retina. Gah.

Al said...

I applaud your bravery,I'm afraid the moment I decide to cut my own hair I'll end up with a horrendous haircut.