
Campus to Cactus

An article from the Weekend Australian,here.

We can't guess which one of "Melbourne's great universities" the writer's son attends,but as an undergraduate student myself I feel deeply let down by the way my own university is managed.I won't get into detail,but my own course breeds economists and accountants who might turn out academically gifted but too unbalanced to succeed in the long-run.The polarization is too great to describe,the lecturers are cold,disconnected and educate only in the most technical sense-student societies are provided very limited funding,yet offered to students as the main channel for social engagement.Others turn to their prestige on-campus colleges for which big money is paid for,and while we do spend most of our semester hours on-campus its merely a place of congregation-bricks and walls,you could never call this place home.

The idea of a modern university is a clever fraud,and plays no pivotal part in building its people.Probably too harsh,so I suggest reading the article for a more agreeable take.


1 comment:

Irina said...

i agree, al.

we need more culture on campus!