
the ten

1. Is there anything duller than hearing people whine about their assignments on blogs?Lets put that theory to a test.Anyway,working on a silly marketing essay.I say silly,because the whole subject (an elective) is silly and taught by a post-productive/post-sexual lecturer whose examples date back to the early 1980s and habit of giggling away his stupidity irks me to no end.

2.I guess its kind of rude to call old people stupid,seeing that they are decaying slowly into senility and one day I'll be at that point and wonder why them young ones keep throwing pebbles at me.

3. I digress.Got back mark from last marketing essay,just average.My tutor has made it personal that I go to none of his tutorials,he wrote all kinds of nasty comments on my essay when hello: I stated clearly in the intro that from here onwards Save-A-Lot will be referred to as the firm,and this challenged little inbred goes on each paragraph about how I'm making "general" comments and not making an effort to identify Save-A-Lot's specific needs (due to repeated mentions of "the firm").

4. I think I just nearly bored myself to death,cease talk of university tedium.

5. Kings of Convenience' new album is beyond amazing. There's a little bit of me inside you,gathering what you've lost.


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