

I search those things planted into your eyelids you call the brownest suns this side of our planet,for something,a murmur some indication that you know,deeper than this,all that I've said that I mean none of it and I have lied blatantly even as our faces are opened to each other and I look straight into your eyes when I say all these things,that I have to leave and I know there's something better for me somewhere else,and when you nod and finally concur,with no struggle or effort to tell me otherwise,that we've traced a future,the beginnings of a great,tragic castle together,that some of the dreams we shared out loud in the darkest hours of night,shrouded in skin and feeling ageless,that it could all turn out to be something more,that if we stuck to each other for just a few more days,things would become better,and all these bitter thoughts come and go,that the air around us is light and free,but you don't,and you let,and I've no choice but to play along,like this,to go on forgetting,that in some distant part of my memory as if an irremovable inhabitant of my brain,you're there,always,untouchable.

for R
the minutes we were sure
we'd be young forever


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