
Dial 'O'

SHOCK OF THE DAY: Melora Hardin (who plays Jan in The Office US) sings.For real.Here's a link to an Mp3 of her song 'Dial O' (via YouAin'tNoPicasso),if you're as curious as I am.Altho if you don't watch the show,this could well be very very very dull news,which is why I coloured those to try and amuse you.Moving on,she looks like Charlize Theron circa early 90's,altho not nearly as hot.Probably because her character's a huge tight-ass and has a totally unattractive personality.Anyhu,I was kinda shocked to discover that Hardin actually has a singing career-because even after watching many eps of The Office (ooh here's my fave line: "Ryan started the fire!"), it never once crossed my mind that she could be a singer.On the contrary,when I found out that Sara Ramirez (Callie on Grey's Anatomy,who used to have me shaping 'Dream Wife' characteristics after her character-until some point in Season 3,when they started depicting her as some kind of obsessive,psychotic nightmare wife to George) was a real-life singer-well,that was totally predictable,partly because of her wonderfully theatrical looks.Whatever that means.


Anonymous said...

i am so addicted to the office!
season 2's hilarious.
downloading season 3 now!!

Al said...

shoot season 3 just finished airing in the US,am waiting for the ciplak dvds to come out bt i don't think that it will anytime soon.

good good download more office eps,i'll take from you l8r yea!

btw do you find dwight shrude (shrute?) adorable or just a pain in the ass?man with the office itself being so dull,it'd be great to have someone like that to entertain everyone!

eh btw pam (jenna fischer i think) posed nude somewhere (google if you're curious)-first time i heard i was kinda shocked.seriously,these actors on the office.continue to surprise me.