

Urm.Yeah.I'll let you solve your problems with the pic above (if any) in your own time.
So,the silliest thing happened today.I read a lot of random blogs,most of them movie-oriented.The more popular ones have their reviews flooded with comments responding to either the review or the movie reviewed.You have the usual spree of haters,lovers and people who feel indifferent and basically don't give a shit-well,I'll spare you the gory details and keep it safe and R-rated starting now.A movie review at one site already had hundreds of comments under one particular review-most of them criticising the reviewer her/himself for a 'mistake' he/she made,and I decided to provide my two cents worth and add another comment more or less echoing what other commenters had said before.But I guess my comment,knowing how nasty,insensitive and harsh I can sometimes be (hey,at least I admit this-unlike some hypocrites out there who claim to be saints and spend all day pointing fingers),I guess my comment had more umph to it-so the reviewer her/himself responded to my comment angrily.And then all hell broke loose.Well,I have to say that at first I was surprised because there were 300+ comments and I didn't think I'd be given special treatment and have a personal note added to my comment-but I wasn't offended,it's cyberspace and people shoot other people down every day,just because they can.Everyone feels empowered behind a computer.Anyways,soon WWIII ensued-chaos!Supporters!Enemies!The self-righteous electing themselves as Gods,promising to punish the wrong and reward the right.I swear one commenter even quoted the Bible.

My point is,it's all too easy for things to spiral out of control in an environment where people have no self-restraint-a simple argument turns into a small war,people quickly dividing into groups and within seconds things are blown out of proportion and just spiral downward.And the thought of remedying a difficult situation is much more easily said than done.I'm going to stop there,before this turns into a social studies essay.If you think I'm over analysing this issue,I am-it's what I do.Because I think it doesn't take something huge for one to be able to observe and learn something,sometimes even the tiniest occurrences can provide you with meaningful lessons worth noted for the journey ahead.
And oh,you're welcome for the eye candy.

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